In this clock. you can read different local time of all over the world
on one analog clock.
You can read number under city name.
White numbers are daytime.
Black numbers are night time.
In LA, it is about 6:30 AM.
In London, 2:30 PM.
You can select cities that you want and change name on analog clock.
You can see list of digital clock. it gives more precise information.
If you click trash can, you can remove city.
If you click +, you can add city that you want.
If you click >, you can see more information of city. and you can change short name that will be shown on analog clock.
You can set short name on Analog clock whatever you want.
It can be city name, country name or your friends name.
On Analog clock, if full name is shown. character is too small and it does not look good.
on one analog clock.
White numbers are daytime.
Black numbers are night time.
In LA, it is about 6:30 AM.
In London, 2:30 PM.
You can select cities that you want and change name on analog clock.
You can see list of digital clock. it gives more precise information.
If you click trash can, you can remove city.
If you click +, you can add city that you want.
If you click >, you can see more information of city. and you can change short name that will be shown on analog clock.
You can set short name on Analog clock whatever you want.
It can be city name, country name or your friends name.
On Analog clock, if full name is shown. character is too small and it does not look good.
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